- 題名: The 20th Century Children’s Book Treasury
- 編集: Janet Schulman
- 出版社: Knopf Books for Young Readers
- YL: 0.3 – 3.0
- 語数: 約30,000語
- Madeline YL1.5/430w
- Chicka Chicka Boom Boom YL0.6/270w
- Swimmy YL 2.5/ 299w
- A Chain for My Mother YL2.3~3.0/1100w
- Goodnight Moon YL0.5/130w
- The Snowy Day YL1.0/317w
- The Letter YL 1.4/473w
- Freight Train YL0. 4/55w
- A Milion Fish… More or Less YL?/1800w
- A Boy, a Dog and a Frog YL0.0/0w
- Millions of Cats YL1.5/996w
- Guess How Much I Love You YL2.2/372w
- Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day YL2-3/740w
- Curious George YL1.0~1.5/927w
- I Hear, I See, I Touch YL0.1/24w
- Miss Nelson Is Missing YL0.9/634w
- Titch YL0.5/104w
- Where the Wild Things Are YL 2.5/362w
- The Cat Club YL?/2,100w
- Sylvester and the Magic Pebble by William Steig YL3.5/1,404w
- Good Night, Gorilla YL0.1/47 W
- Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel YL3.4/1,700w
- Stevie YL?/1,140w
- The Tub People YL2.0/300w
- In Which Poo Goes Visiting and Gets into a Tight Place YL1.5/ 1,600w
- Bedtime for Frances YL1.5/1,350w
- The Stinky Cheese Man YL3.0/?
- The Story of Babar YL2.0/2,000w
- The Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Old Tree YL0.3/210w
- The Elves in the Shelves YL?/1,700w
- Ten, Nine, Eight YL0.5/69w
- Stellaluna YL2.0/1,208w
- D.W. the Picky Eater YL1.0/635w
- Petunia YL1.5/1328w
- First Tomato YL1.0/270w
- Amelia Bedelia YL2.5/1036w
- I Am a Bunny YL?/120w
- Harry the Dirty Dog YL1.5/460w
- Whose Mouse Are You? YL0.8/105w
- Owen YL1.0/464w
- The Story of Ferdinand YL?/730w
- The Sneetches YL2.5/1,872w
- The Story of Little Babaji YL2.4/1,068w